Made in China

It’s obvious that many luxury brands are producing items on assembly lines in developing nations where labor is cheap. I think there’s just something so wrong with selling a purse for $1200 that only took $120 dollars to produce. It’s also saddening that some corporate titans are hiding the fact that their products are made in developing nation in order to retain their brand’s air of old-world luxury and heritage. By retaining this allure, they are able to hike-up the prices.

How do the brands get away with this?
Some hide the “Made in China” label in the bottom of an inside pocket or stamped black on black on the back of a tiny logo flap. Some bypass the “provenance” laws requiring labels that tell where goods are produced by having 90 percent of the bag, sweater, suit or shoes made in China and then attaching the final bits – the handle, the buttons, the lifts – in Italy, thus earning a “Made in Italy” label. Or some simply replace the original label with one stating it was made in Western Europe. -Dana Thompson

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