Brand Next is a project by creative firm, Wolff Olins that describes how brands of the future will be very different from brands of the past. “Taking an aspect of the Brand Next thinking, The Store for Tomorrow explores the idea of brands as platforms for action, helping people do more and do better. The show invites guest not just to look, but to do something. In the Store for Tomorrow, you don’t pay to get; you give to get.
To make an exchange in the store, shoppers do not need to give money, instead they are required to commit to an action. Actions are based on things that people do to make the brand better. In the store, time, ideas, skills, effort and content are the currency. For example, Current TV needs more people to make films. In exchange for giving ideas and direction, shoppers get a filmmaker and camera hire to bring those ideas to life.”
I wonder what people would give to get a Speedy.